Chiloquin Gymnasium update

This is an update from the Klamath County School District to the Chiloquin community on plans to build a new regulation-sized, ADA-accessible 11,580-square-foot gymnasium for Chiloquin students.

Ground breaking for the project has been delayed.

The district, in coordination with the Klamath Tribes, has conducted an archeological assessment of the site that determined a need for additional survey work on the property. This assessment was performed under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, which requires government organizations to consider historic preservation issues when making final project decisions. The district is moving forward with another assessment as weather conditions permit, and the project timeline will be adjusted based on those findings.
The new building will provide an up-to-date, regulation gym for students, replacing a non-regulation gym at the high school and a separate gymnasium that is woefully outdated and non-ADA compliant. Renovating the current gymnasium was cost-prohibitive and a decision was made to construct a new facility adjacent to the high school.

The district is committed to the project and will continue to work with the Klamath Tribes to move it forward.